ADHD monthly round-up across all social platforms

Image Description: A female news anchor holding/speaking into a microphone.
Bringing you the latest ADHD related topics across social platforms for the month of October!
1. Twitter: #ADHDinvasion by @ADHD_Alien
A couple of comic artists with ADHD collaborated for ADHD Awareness Month to bring us #ADHDinvasion.
Check out the hashtag on Twitter to see comics on: identity crisis, living up to your potential, memory issues, and much more.
2. inews: ADHD portrayal in TV shows
I think we would all agree that we need better ADHD representation on TV. Sarah Carson wrote about the misrepresentation of ADHDers being naughty boys, pill poppers and lazy in general and on TV.
“If so many people live with ADHD – and are supposedly well-suited to working in the creative industries, making these shows themselves – it is about time TV stopped dismissing ADHD as a problem for naughty boys, prescription pill addicts and caricatures” - Sarah Carson
3. Podcast: Translating ADHD - ADHD and Decision Making
It’s no secret that many of us ADHDers struggle with indecisiveness. Listen to coach Shelly and coach Cam talk about how you can apply ‘a learning action model to create change saving bandwidth for the decisions that matter’.
Listen here:
4. YouTube: Stanford Neurodiversity Summit
Stanford Neurodiversity project held a 5-day summit on a number of different topics related to Neurodiversity. This included talks on Intersectionality, Race & Neurodiversity, Tips for Jobseekers, Diagnostic disparities, and the future of Neuroinclusion.
You can catch-up on all of the sessions here:
5. Tik Tok: Dani Donovan videos on ADHD
Anyone else bad at replying to texts or returning calls? Here’s a light-hearted Tik Tok by Dani Donovan on this:
That’s all from me!
Rach, with ADHD